Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Roughing it--You might be a redneck if...

Your toilet is sitting on your front porch, instead of in the bathroom where it belongs...

Well, the big news in my life is that after more than a month I'm finally getting somewhere with my bathroom woes. Yesterday the landlord and his son came over, and ripped out the toilet---uugh! Gross water all over. Then they ripped out the disgusting carpet and dragged it through my house---yuck! :( I'll be deepcleaning the carpet as soon as this is all over with! They pounded on the floor for quite awhile to decide whether they needed to rip that up as well, but decided against it and are hoping it will all dry out before the guy who wants to put in the flooring comes this morning. While they were there they also removed the old medicine cabinet I had (which has been broken for at least 2 years, without mirror) and put up a new one. Of course they made quite the mess, and didn't bother to clean up any of it. So I had to. All the carpet remnants, and bits of wood smell something terrible, and made me want to puke. At least something is getting done though.

This morning I'm teaching summer school, and hopefully while I'm gone the guy will come and lay down the linoleum. I'm hoping that if he gets that done, the other guy will come and set the toilet this afternoon. Maybe I'll have a functioning bathroom by this evening? Dare I dream? Last night I had to make sure I used the facilities at the pool before going home, and being without all night. This morning I got up extra early and went to Kym and Troy's so that I could have a shower. By the time I got there I was ready to run into the bathroom, but I tried to show I was in control! :)

I've been going each evening for water aerobic classes at the new pool. I'm really enjoying being back in the water again, and I'm looking forward to being able to swim year round. I'm trying to spend 20-30 minutes swimming laps before class, then the water aerobics class is 50 minutes, and then the last 10 minutes before closing I go down the water slide, dive off the board, or swim more laps. I'm looking forward to taking all of you with me when you come visit, so make sure you bring your suits!

The garden is finally producing a bit. It's overgrown with weeds though, and it's at the point where pulling them is impossible. Quinn went in the other night with the weed wacker, but he only got part of the garden done. I went out on Monday night and looked for tomatoes. I got a few, but most are still marred with hail patches. I did get some zucchini, but they were giant, and probably won't be any good. We need to dig up the potatoes and onions, but who knows when that will happen! The last two days have been rainy--remnants of Hurricane Dolly coming through. I'm happy for the cooler weather, but that will come to an end this afternoon or tomorrow morning, and then we'll be back up to the 100+ weather. The humidity will be even worse now, with the extra rain we've gotten.

1 comment:

Tim and Heidi Huber said...

you might live in marion when...